My First Nude Campout with CSN

I just want to report that I had an absolutely wonderful time on the Nude Campout with CSN (Canyon State Naturists) during the weekend of August 20th. This was my first experience camping in the nude. And, as with every first time nude experience, camping in the nude was an exhilarating experience. I got there at the campsite around 10:30am on Saturday. After I arrived, I spent about an hour chatting with CSN members while sitting around the campfire. Then I proceeded to set up my tent - and that's a story in and of itself. It took me about 2 hours to set up this 6-man, Coleman, dome tent. This was the first time I ever had to set up this tent by myself. You see with 2 people setting up the tent is no problem. But it is very difficult when it is just yourself setting up the tent. The poles that go thru the sleeves of the tent are very long and often get stuck and the trick is you have to get one pole driven into the ground while you carefully proceed to get the other end of the pole driven into the ground without the other end popping out of the ground and you just about have to do this simultaneously with all 8 ends of the 4 poles that you are working with. Very difficult and very frustrating when it is only 1 person doing it alone. Yes - I know I should have asked for help from someone but I guess I wanted to see if I could do it myself. Well, after 2 hours of a drawn out battle with my tent - I finally won. And I am sure Gary & Renea who could see my 2 hour battle from their RV were probably chuckling a bit and I can imagine it must have been hilarious watching it from a distance. At around 2pm CSN had their traditional time of wine tasting with cheese & tasty treats (I liked the smoked salmon very much). At the wine tasting I met a person (Jeff) who is also relatively new to CSN and to nudism and since my main thing to do is nude hiking I asked him to join me for a nude hike. So we did nude hike for a ways but each of the 2 trails we took didn't go very far before becoming a dead end. So despite that we didn't hike as far as I wanted to, we enjoyed the short nude hike in the great outdoors. After we got back from our hike it was about time for dinner. And for dinner, for this particular campout, CSN does their annual Chili Cookoff (a Chili cooking contest). There were 5 chili entries. There was a 1st place, 2nd place, & 3rd place prize. I was not one of the judges, of course, but if I was I would have chosen chili entry number 2 (Renea & Gary) as the 1st place winner, (they got 2nd place) since I thought their chili was the best - it had about 3 different kinds of chunky meat and it was spicy (but not too bad) just the way I prefer my chili to be. After dinner and into the night we all sat around the campfire and had a good time talking with each with very interesting conversations, by the way. I got to meet a lot of people that I haven't met before and I thoroughly enjoyed not only the time outdoors in the nude but also the fellowship with the other CSN members who were there. The next day, Sunday, I cooked myself some breakfast, hung around, and took a short hike, and then left around 2:30pm. On the way home, I stopped at the trailhead of Fossil Creek (just 8 miles west of Strawberry, AZ on Fossil Creek Road and enjoyed a very strenuous hike to the Fossil Creek but that is a long story that I will tell at a later time.

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