RE:CMNM -- clothed male / naked male

It can be fun. I have done gardening work naked and have been a naked waiter for a friend's birthday party. It is strange and amusing how being naked with a naturist group can be non-sexual, while being the only one naked becomes sexual. Probably more to do with the reaction of the clothed participants and the expectation of a voyeuristic/exhibitionist interaction.

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RE:CMNM -- clothed male / naked male

... It is strange and amusing how being naked with a naturist group can be non-sexual, while being the only one naked becomes sexual. ...

I guess at least for some guys this is relevant, maybe because they have some exhibitionistic tendencies (without any judging about it) or just because of the tension the situation implies. I had a bf for some time who was into this and it was clear it was an erotic or sometimes even sexual thing to him, while being socially together at a nude beach for example didn't have such effects.

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