Who was the first nudist?

I have my opinoin of this question but I want to hear your's first.
Do you think Adam and Eve really were the first nudists?
Come on guys .... get in here at add something to the group.


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RE: Who was the first nudist?

Come on guys ring in here.
The bible says that Adam walked in the garden with God, and Adam didn't know he was naked. Don't you think if God had been wearing clothes Adam would have know he was naked.

So IMHO I think that God was really the first Nudist, but I guess that was beforeanyone even had a name for it.

What do you think?


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RE: Who was the first nudist?

I have my opinoin of this question but I want to hear your's first.Do you think Adam and Eve really were the first nudists?Come on guys .... get in here at add something to the group.Digeryou should read nudity and christianity and see home much nudity was in everyday life in the bible. its a shame the church has become so afraid of it. not to metion how uncomfortable clothes can be

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RE: Who was the first nudist?

Actually it would of been God him self or the Trinity of God. Genesis 1:26 And God said Let us make man in our image,Then there he created Adam the first human, Then Eve, They werenaked and unashamed. Then Satin went forth to destroy Gods work and put foolish thought's in there lives and our lives.

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