Next Nude Bush Walk - 2nd or 3rd July

Hi all,
After the success of the last nude bush walk, we are going to arrange another. Given weekdays are better as fewer people are about we were thinking of Monday 2nd July or Tuesday 3rd, what's better for you all?
Let us know and we will lock a date and location in. Thinking of John Forrest National Park.

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RE: Next Nude Bush Walk - 2nd or 3rd July

Hi all,After the success of the last nude bush walk, we are going to arrange another. Given weekdays are better as fewer people are about we were thinking of Monday 2nd July or Tuesday 3rd, what's better for you all?Let us know and we will lock a date and location in. Thinking of John Forrest National Park.ZacTypical, I missed out , lol.Just pop back for the next one, we can put you up! :-)

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