RE: A Few Picture Comments

You make a very interesting point. There is a huge difference between using gray for artistic purposes and using gray for other reasons. There are many that glorify gray. But as I said, I find it drained of life and vigor.
But you bring up a totally different aspect. I remember those times and you have given a highly accurate description of them. Before digital, there were many practical reasons for gray.

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RE: A Few Picture Comments

My eye is drawn to a different image.

This picture is just awesome. The use of underwater photography is rather uncommon. And the use of multiple subjects is also atypical. Technically the picture is very, well done: lighting, focus, balance are all excellent. In particular, there are two things that draw me to this image. The first is the pure freedom of movement of being under water. There is an elegance and grace that cannot be matched. And second, the contrast in skin tones that draws the eye to the graceful form of the stunningly beautiful woman in the center of the image.

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My latest profile photo - please comment!

I had a very welcome surprise this morning - seeing one of my photos which had escaped the mods' culling of my recent uploads:

Here is my description:
This photo shows, if I may say so, a rather fetching silhouette of Pamela's right breast and erect nipple in the top section, and in the lower section a rather spectacular view between her splayed legs featuring the dark recess of her vagina, framed between the puckered folds of her erect anus and the voluptuous swellings of her outer labia framing her provocatively protruding inner labia.
Please add your comments!


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RE: My latest profile photo - please comment!

Pamela,Well done on getting that past the cull. As a man, I have failed with some of my pics, so have to resort to sharing by email for the more adventurous shots. The convoluted link that appears alongside your picture suggests that perhaps it is remotely hosted, which may also explain the loss of definition as I see it. Using your description, I can just about discern the detail between the legs, but it is not obvious on the image as seen on my laptop or tablet. However, it is an unusual pose that is well worth presentation in this group. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.Jim

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RE: My latest profile photo - please comment!

I do not like such images. Instead of displaying her as a beautiful, curvaceous, sensuous woman it reduces her to a piece of sexual meat.

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RE: My latest profile photo - please comment!

Erect anus????

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RE: A Few Picture Comments

Great idea to create a thread for image comments! Also, I like your profile photo and your description. Great composition!
years ago I created a thread in this group titled "Nude Self-Portraits"
which was active for a while.
Raymondbill, perhaps there could be
different threads in the group for different types of photos, e.g., artistic, outdoors, home, etc. for posting and comments from group
members. I think it would make this and active and interesting group.
What do you think?

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My latest profile photo - A Question of Erection

Erect anus????What a strange comment. I can assure you quite categorically that my anus will pucker up and become quite visibly erect when physically stimulated, or, quite frequently, entirely spontaneously. It is has not a been a frequent topic of conversation with my female friends, but I never had any doubt that they all experienced the same reaction. During orgasm my anus will pulse along with all my other sexual organs - I can feel it pulse strongly during masturbation, and I think I can say honestly that my favourite lovers have been the ones who have paid the greatest attention to the whole of my perineal area. My best oral sex experiences have been those where my partner has paid particular attention to very subtle and sensitive stimulation of my anus - around the rim to bring it into rigid erection - the tongue work very well for that, and provides lots of lubrication, but fingers are lovely as well, maybe with secretions from my vagina. As orgasm approaches it is wonderful to have a finger tip gently caressing my anal opening - gentle pressure only, it is never pleasant to have something suddenly poked inside.
If you want any further proof of the reality of an erect anus you could do no better than to look at the profile video of Wyosas on True Swingers - you see her through her entire process of masturbation, which culminates with very powerful pulsations of her anus - something which I and my lovers can testify also happens to me. I know it all might sound a bit tacky, but it really isn't - I just feel honoured that she can share such an intimate experience with others, and I also thank her for such wonderfully graphic instruction on how to give deep satisfying pleasure to women.
This thread is about Artistic Photos, so let's get back to the point - for the photo we are discussing there was clearly no way I would have reached behind to massage my anus to erection before it was taken - it was most definitely erect already, most likely because spending hours completely nude and on full display is sexually very stimulating for me - my vulva swells very noticeably (I have before and after pics to illustrate that!) and my anus also becomes erect, as do my nipples - on a good day my nipples will stay rigidly erect all the time, which does attract quite a bit of attention!
For posed photos the situation is not quite the same. If my anus is going to show in a photo, I would normally massage it gently for a moment or two to make the photo visually more exciting, but I would work with the photographer to achieve the effect he wants. When I first started nude modelling - as an amateur volunteer for a group of photo club members, I was very unsure about how they might react to seeing my anus - a very common hang up I think, that there is something dirty and disgusting about it, and nice girls don't let any one see it, and would never deliberately show it off. That hang-up lasted a few sessions, but I gradually began to realise that the photographers were much more keen to see absolutely everything than I had expected, or might I say, dreamed about. And, not only see, but also photograph!
I think the realisation that for me nude modelling meant completely nude, with absolutely no anatomical restrictions was very liberating. I was no longer inhibited by thinking any part of my body was intrinsically unacceptable in a photograph. That doesn't mean that I lost all sense of taste and discretion - I would never want to be photographed while penetrating myself with fingers or objects. I find such photos very distasteful for the most part, and I do not want my body portrayed in that way.
Sorry if I have gone on a bit about this, but I do think that women deserve to be treated with a sensitivity for their particular anatomy. I have made the point about my anus being very sensitive and pleasurable if treated with knowledge and understanding, and I acknowledge that I was helped to achieve that self realisation by a few particularly memorable boyfriends (and a couple of girls as well - we same to have a more instinctive reaction to giving pleasure to each other!)
Have a good Sunday - maybe practise being a good partner!

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Erect Anus - a follow up

Shortly after writing the previous post I came across the work of an Italian erotic photographer. There were several really good photos with models displaying amazingly erect anuses.
Here is one of the best examples:

I hope this is enough proof to dispel any doubt about the erectile properties of the anus. To my mind this is an immensely exciting and stimulating view - an opinion which was most definitely endorsed by the club photographers when I put on very simiar displays in the club studio.


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RE:My latest profile photo - A Question of Erection

Lovely lesson in unhibition Pamela!
xxx Fran

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