Men's Naked Stretching Classes in Boston Metro West

I'm new to the group.
Just wanted to let you know that I teach weekly naked stretching classes for men near Acton/Concord in Massachusetts. MANS - Men's Active Naked Stretching. I have been leading the MANS class for about four years now.
Active Stretching is a great complement to Yoga. It's similar to Yoga, but very different.
Myclasses areopen toall men 18 years old and older, regardless of your age, weight, physical fitness level, flexibility, skin color, etc. It's open to all men seriously interested in healthy exercise that is fun. Active Stretching is FUN stretching. The 90 minute MANS class moves along quickly and will leave you feeling relaxed but energized.
Socializing before and after class isfun too.
I always teach this class when I attend the Eastern Naturists Gathering each June in the Poconos of Pennsylvania.
You can learn more about the classes at my Yahoo Group M_A_N_S + at
If you join the group you can see pictures of the stretches we do andget email announcements of the class dates and of other nude events I offer.Stay Bare,

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RE: Men's Naked Stretching Classes in Boston Metro West

If only i lived closer!

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