Nude Massage Bookings Available

Hey all,
I'm still looking for people interested in doing nude massage swaps so let me know if your keen. Meanwhile if anybody is just looking for a massage therapist in Melbourne who is happy to do nude massage message me and I do 60min and 90min sessions from my home in Oakleigh. I'll send you my rates when you message me.

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RE: Nude Massage Bookings Available

Hey all,I'm still looking for people interested in doing nude massage swaps so let me know if your keen. Meanwhile if anybody is just looking for a massage therapist in Melbourne who is happy to do nude massage message me and I do 60min and 90min sessions from my home in Oakleigh. I'll send you my rates when you message me.Cheers,Brett
Hey Brett , id love to do the swap , but I'm a total novice , so I guess u would be lookin for other professionals ,Drop me a lineRex

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RE: Nude Massage Bookings Available

Hey all,I'm still looking for people interested in doing nude massage swaps so let me know if your keen. Meanwhile if anybody is just looking for a massage therapist in Melbourne who is happy to do nude massage message me and I do 60min and 90min sessions from my home in Oakleigh. I'll send you my rates when you message me.Cheers,Bretthey Brett, I've just sort of hoped onto this site so I've got no pics up yet but I'd be happy to swap massages and I'd be a novice as far as massage goes. Let me know

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RE: Nude Massage Bookings Available

Hey guys, I don't mind doing swaps with novices but if you read my earlier post in this group of Tips and Techniques I do expect an enjoyable massage - I find if you massage the way you like to be massaged, regardless of whether your technique is correct, it will generally be a nice massage also have a look on youtube for techniques to get you started:-) and I am happy to help and give advice. msg me if you are interested in doing a swap and when you would like to do it, week days during the day are best for me but I can do evenings and weekends as well sometimes.

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RE: Nude Massage Bookings Available

Hey all,I'm still looking for people interested in doing nude massage swaps so let me know if your keen. Meanwhile if anybody is just looking for a massage therapist in Melbourne who is happy to do nude massage message me and I do 60min and 90min sessions from my home in Oakleigh. I'll send you my rates when you message me.Cheers,BrettHi there
I'd be more than happy to do a massage swap with you - I have training in Lomi Lomi and would love to relax you with my hands or swap some tips with you.

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