Hill Country C/O Bed and Breakfast

Hi All,
We had a couple who were going to add their home to our network of clothing optional bed and breakfast homes. Due to some health issues, they have had to put the plans on hold. We are looking for someone in the Texas Hill Country that might be interested in opening their home as a C/O B&B. If you know of someone with a nudist friendly home that might be interested, let them know about Clothing Optional Home Network and have them contact us! Since we announced we had one coming, we've had lots of inquiries from people wanting to make reservations...we hate turning them away!!
Clothing Optional Home Network

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RE: Hill Country C/O Bed and Breakfast

Sounds very interesting, Ours is not suitable but count us in as a couple that would love to take advantage of it and make use of it.
Gina and Charlie

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