I wish I could tell when a trucker is driving nude

I drive a little car and can't see anything when I drive past a trucker and look up at the window. I'd love to know that you're driving nude.

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RE: I wish I could tell when a trucker is driving nude

Findinout, I bet you would like to know how many of usdo drive nude!! I can tell about me, and that is if I have to get out of my truck many times a day, I do drive nude!! I have driven nude from Tomahawk, Wi. to Rochester, NY. and many other long trips where I may only have to get out once a day to fuel, shower, and eat!!

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RE: I wish I could tell when a trucker is driving nude

I'm in Wisconsin. Janesville area. I do wish I could tell if a trucker is nude.

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RE: I wish I could tell when a trucker is driving nude

Well if you could, so could everyone else and that would also include the cops.

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