Hi group

"Iwonder whether I belong in this group, because I never have smoked. I ama no smoking advocate. If you ask me, "Do you mind of Ismoke?," my answer would be "Yes I DO mind." I celebratethat in recent years, more places have become smoke free. For instance,in New Jersey it is illegal to smoke in any restaurant, except the AtlanticCity casinos. If anybody lights up a cigarette 20 feet away, I know it. That includes Gunnison Beach, especially if the smoker is upwind from me.
WhenI was a child, both my parents smoked. My mother probably smoked duringthe 9 months she carried me. When I was a freshman in high school, my dadhad a wicked cough. Consequently he quit smoking then. To make iteasier for him, Mother quit too. At that time, I decided to never smoke. When a freshman in high school is the ideal time to decide not to start,because peer pressure begins about then.
Because Iam the nervous type, it is a good thing that I never started. I am the type that would becomeaddicted

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RE: Hi group

Welcome to the group, Catbird. You definitely belong here and sound like the perfect kind of person to have in this group. Please do preach the praises of going smoke free.

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RE: Hi group

For one thing, at age 75, my lungs are still healthy.

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