Mid-Week Spa Time: Wi Spa 12/03/14

sometimes you need to detox mid-week.
this is an open invitation to those who need to decompress after work on Wednesday 12/03/14.
location: Wi Spa -2700 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057 (www,wispa,com)
fee: $15 for spa entrance
let us wash, scrub up, soak in, and steam up the joint. a social gathering of naked interaction is a communal place.
around 7:30PM - 9:30PM
i'll be the naked one

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RE: Mid-Week Spa Time: Wi Spa 12/03/14

OF COURSE, I cant a moment to myself without disaster occurring.
I wont be able to make my own invitation. UGH. This is the perfect weather to submerge oneself in hot water and enjoy the nakedness of your fellow man. But, I have to play the "good friend" on Wednesday.
If you are available, DO GO! MEET! UNWIND!
Maybe I'll head out on Friday to get me ready for a busy weekend.

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