Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

Hello, Friends ~It's confirmed. I'll be hosting a nude gathering at my house just east of Hartford on Saturday, 12/27, from 3:00-5:30pm. Just snacks, drinks, and meeting one another. Relaxing and social.Please email me for further information, directions, etc.: communication will be done as individual and group emails (group emails will use the bcc field only for email addresses).When you email me please include your TN screen name so I know who you are!So far about a dozen guys have confirmed their attendance or the likelihood of their attendance. Looking forward to meeting all of you!Best,David

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

I am looking forward to this! Can't wait to meet you all. Thank you again David for opening up your home!

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

There's still time to RSVP, guys. Even if you haven't been in touch previously, just write to me at Include your TN name in the subject or body of the email.I think we'll have a small but great group of guys on Saturday.David

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

I'm so bummed that I'll miss the gathering. Hope to make the next one.Have fun everyone and Merry Christmas.

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

Dave thanks for opening your home to us. It was a great afternoon meeting everyone in person!

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

Thanks for making the afternoon comfortable and fun. Lookingforward to more get-togethers.

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RE: Confirmed nude gathering, 12/27, 3-5:30pm, near Hartford CT

Many thanks, David, for your generous hospitality and to all of your guests for making it a fun and comfortable afternoon. I look forward to seeing everyone again.

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