Introductions: Tell us who you are.

Feel free to talk about how being divorced has affected your nude activities. Please, no rants about the ex - we know what you're feeling, and we're all trying to get beyond it.

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First time

Had always been a home or closet nudist. My first experience with social nudity was while i was working in Kaui. There was a huge nudist beach just a few miles from our condo in Princeville. Was a little nervious at first. The people were so friendly and open that I was hooked. Would go down everyday for the sunset. Now that I'm divorsed I am looking forward to renewing my love for natural living.

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RE: Introductions: Tell us who you are.

I got a divorced last summer. My wife was not a nudist but she was OK with me being nude around the house. After years of living this way, she decided that she wanted a divorce.

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RE: Introductions: Tell us who you are.

Hi I'm Mark, 44 and divorced almost a year. Felt really down after my divorce was finalised and was looking on-line at ways of improving my self esteem when I came upon a site promoting nudism and the positive effects it can have on your sense of self. I've never had an issue with being nude and had briefly considered nudism before but knew my ex wouldn't approve so I never pursued the idea.Now I look back on my divorce a little more favourably (still miss my kids like crazy though, when they're not with me). At the time it felt like my whole world was coming to an end, but now I realise it was just the end of a chapter, life goes on and I can look forward to the next instalment without the constraints of a relationship, that in hindsight wasn't working for a long time, to hold me back... just hope I can find a soul mate who is willing to embrace my new found love of nudism, along the way!I agree! I feel the same way.

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