RE: Work naked?

Wish I could work from home I would be naked 24/7

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RE: Work naked?

I have a conference call on one of my days off most weeks. Definitely am on the call naked. I will often walk around the pool naked as I listen and share during the call.

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RE: Work naked?

I have often taken work related calls at home nude. I enjoy being outside so often that is where I am.

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RE: Work naked?

When I was working, I had a satellite office upstairs , in my fire station dorm, where I could do most of what I needed to do without going downstairs to my main office. After we'd retire upstairs for the night, I got undressed and was naked upstairs for the rest of the night. I'd often get phone calls for various things and could do some work up there but on occasion, I'd have to go down stairs to the main office. I would often just walk down stairs naked and conduct my business and then come back upstairs. So, yes, I did do some administrative work late in the evenings while naked.

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