RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

The two male symbols on my pentagram are for myself and my son and the female one is for my sons mother.

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

my first two where plain black filled then my third is shaded with some blue in it and i love the colour, I want alot more colour and alot less plain black lol

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i love tribal tattoos..

i am going to start on some major tattoos very soon.. i am getting them drawn up now.. i am going to either finish my back or start wtih my wrist and work my way up then down... :-) i love my tattoos... i have 8 of them so far.. some good and a few bad.. but they will get covered in the process.. I am addicted to getting ink done..

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

I love to show my tatts they are all works of art, I have them for me and for others to enjoy

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favourite style of tattoos

mine as to be japanese work i have two sleeeves and my chest and back done in this style i find the meanings of this type of tattoo close to my heart for variouse reasons :-)

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

To me i like dragons

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

when l look at tattos, l always ask if the tat has a personal meaning. Like tats that are meaningful and not done just to "go with the flow". It is art for life, so make it what you want.I have to agree. Tattoos can be very beautiful and I think should be very symbolic to the person. I have found mine to be be a great conversation starter at nudist venues. I am looking to get my second one done soon; just trying to decide what it should be. You definitely want it to be something you connect with and love, because it's going to be with you for a long time. ;-)

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

I have a bunch of different styles on my skin. I'm working on 2 sleeves; one is Native American inspired and one if a depiction of my inner turmoil of coming to grips with my sexuality. I'm not sure what the technical term for the style is but it's out for the world to see.
Plus I have 8 other pieces.

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

I like tribal designs. Always thought they were cool. I have one on my back, my shoulder, my ass, my pubic area and even a couple on my penis.

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RE: Favorite Styles of Tattoos

I like the tribal look, monochromatic.

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