RE: Getting the younger crowd involved ...

Question : Getting the younger crowd involved ?My thoughts are social media is the cheapest and most effective vehicle to spread the word if you will.U tube is probably the best visual and censored for under age moderation social media that is geared more towards a youth / young adult market. The key would be for a club/resort to commission a tutorial or something creative to young nudist and have them make a short film or visual talking narrative.The youth market world revolves around followers these days and going viral could turn a club or resorts youth market around over night. Even weekend only attendance would increase revenue. College spring breaks alternatives comes to mind first.Christian music has a huge young niche market using these sort of efforts among others.Paris Hilton and Nicole Richy had a show that hitched a wagon to this idea premise a long time ago. Doing something that's out of their demographic and inserting themselves into it. Filming it , then seeing what the feed back was. They did a nudist resort segment. But they focused on the basic Texile society point of views for laughs.Turn that around and -re-boot it and focus on the nudist point of view : the religion of it to some / the personal identifying factor of it to some / or the weekend hobbist view point of it.Package that and you should have a better visual understanding of nudisium and a larger youth / young adult market.HYperlink to - The Simple Life - Nudist ResortNorm

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Thanks!! ;D

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RE:Getting the younger crowd involved ...

Many resorts are giving dep discounts to the 35 and under group to get them involved. I see a lot of younger Nudist involved in the sand volleyball wich is very popular at mant resorts & beachs.

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RE:Getting the younger crowd involved ...

I can agree. It seems some clubs & organizations are out of touch. I was looking to join a local resort which happens to have a fan page on this site. When I went to the pre-registration page & read the rules it said "no piercing below the waist"; it may have included tattoos too but can't remember for sure, either way I was disqualified, having both.
As far as younger people not wanting to adhere to rules & regulations, that's true. But I also think it depends on the rules. Sometimes they need to be adjusted to fit changes in culture. If we don't we can sit comfortably with our rules & have an empty club or organization.
More needs to be done to promote the exciting freedom & adventure that comes with social nudity.
There are several current celebrities that embrace the nudist lifestyle. Some of the major clubs & organizations should hire one or two of them to become spokespeople for nudism.
Make getting naked cool! A good ad slogan aimed at the younger crowd could be "Have a really cool spring break; get Naked!". Think what it would do to the beach resort industry. I know some will say it would probably turn into sexcapades. But if it's going to happen anyway it, being naked shouldn't make that much difference.
In an age when young people have no problem sexting pix of every part of their body; yet shutter in absolute terror of the possibility of exposing a butt check while changing at the gym; there's a difinate problem.
We need to make naked natural, normal, cutting egde & the cool thing to do.
In bygone years public nudity was the norm in gym & high school locker rooms all over. Let's make America Nude Again! Ha ha
The irony of the aftermath of the sexual revolution is how inhibited & body conscious society has become.
We have to overcome the stigma of social nudity & move it more mainstream.
But then, we don't want to over promote it either. I would NOT want my favorite nudie spot to become as popular & overcrowded as Disney World!

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