New to North Miami - Looking for Connections

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for connections and particularly a room or garage/studio apartment to rent out starting mid-Dec or first of January. I figured I'd look here. A nude-able situation would be great.
I'm looking for a space for me and my 2 dogs who are older and well-behaved (they love cats and most other dogs). I'm looking somewhere near the MDC north campus since I plan on attending classes there and won't have a car. I utilize bus, bike and will probably buy a moped once I get settled. 33167 zip code or thereabouts. My budget allows around $700 for rent (upper limit).
I'm a serious student and do not party at home. I'd like to have a reasonably quiet place to live/study. Doesn't have to be a library or a mausoleum but no loud music at odd hours or all night partying.
I'm 36, pleasant to be around and partnered (partner will not be living with me). Not looking for a sexual situation at all, my bf would not appreciate that! But another gay male who is cool and respectful of my relationship would be nice. Roommate does not have to be a gay male, however. The fact that you are responsible and mentally stable is more important!
Hope I can find the perfect situation with someone here and that we can help each other out by sharing expenses while maintaining the freedom of being nude at home :)

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RE: New to North Miami - Looking for Connections

I'm moving in January. I see the logic in your suggestion but I really need to be in the Westview neighborhood so I can be close to school. I don't have a car so proximity to school is a high priority. Moreso than living in a nudist household but that IS preferred.

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