foreskin retainer

has anyone restored their foreskin with just a retainer ? luckily whoever cut me left me with loose skin so now im thinking of just the retainer for restoring as it seems less cumbersome to wear during the day- but will i get any results ? i have some coverage of my gland flaccid but not consistant.

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RE: foreskin retainer

You'll probably get very slow results, but at least you might notice something. Your best bet for sure is to use a method that puts at least a little tension on the skin. That's what seems to cause the most growth.
I started when I was about 45 years old and it took me 2 1/2 years to get full coverage. I was using mostly the T-tape and had it on 23 hours a day. It was only off or loose when I was taking a shower because the adhesive comes loose if pulled when wet.
If you use a lower tension device or are much older than I was, then you'd likely take longer to restore.
Good luck.

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RE: foreskin retainer

Unfortunately without any kind of constant tension you won't gain any regeneration of skin cells. You need that pulling in order to create more skin. I would recommend using the DTR whenever you have free time to be nude and when you need to wear clothes use the retainer just to keep it tucked.

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RE: foreskin retainer

ok thanks for advice

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RE: foreskin retainer

I agree, I think restoring by only retaining would take a long time, unless you are like me and constantly hard :) I
restored a few years ago using a film canister and got full coverage when soft. I stopped
when I got my dick pierced then tattooed.I have started restoring again using a tlc tugger and it is very comfortable. The film canister worked fine, but all the taping was a hassle, not to mention the occasional tearing of skin while removing the tape.

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RE: foreskin retainer

What is the tic tugger? I haven't heard of that one yet.
Also, I'd like to see the piercing and tattoo you talked about. I'll send a friend request.

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RE: foreskin retainer

Here is website for the tugger:

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RE: foreskin retainer

Oh! I misread your previous post. I thought you said there was a system called TICtugger. :-)
I currently use the TLCtugger from time to time also.

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RE: foreskin retainer

would love to share some restored pics.

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