RE: freeball in scrubs??

Working in a Catholic hospital just try not show to much...but really don't mind who see's.. Looking and being looked at is fun

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RE: freeball in scrubs??

I am not a health worker but the reported potential problems of freeballing in scrubs echo exactly the reason why I would not wear boxer shorts with light coloured trousers.

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RE: freeball in scrubs??

Does anyone else have a medical job and wears scrubs to work? I love it but always have boxers in my car... Just in case...I always freeball in scrubs!!

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RE: freeball in scrubs??

wondering why it makes a difference if your "head" shows or not. Everyone knows you have one and unless you're concerned that your "religion" shows, why hide it? A nipple ring shows under a shirt yet no one cares. Just thinking out loud on this subject. Personally , I don't know why it matters. I always free ball in my gray loose gym shorts when working out and even wear a ball weight which tends to give more swing to my gait and I just resolved to not care... :-)
Absolutely nkdman. I too free ball all the time, even with glans ring and ball weights. Love the sway and weight feel. The looks, if any are just that, looks. No worries. If someone asks me about, I just discuss the issue with calmness and they usually learn something new.

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RE: freeball in scrubs??

Such a wide discussion here based upon his original question. I love nudist, always open, honest and eager to share!!

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