It is only natural ...

Re-watching the controversial movie, "Basic Instinct" and
remembering all the controversy that surrounded it, most of if due
to its somehow graphic sex scenes, for a mainstream movie, I
started thinking about how our approach towards sex changes when we
watch a porn film and a sexual, mainstream thriller, I mean, by the
end of the day, both genres are showing something that perhaps
everyone, or at least most people, perceive as natural: sex. Sure,
porn takes things to a whole different level, being as graphic as
it is, but it is this duality of approach, duality of feelings that
somehow comes across as odd, as if there is a type of vintage sex
and a type of ... poor sex.
I hope all this makes some sense and I really would like to know
what yall think about it.

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RE: It is only natural ...

I think, in story telling, a lot has to do with intent.
In a porn movie, the intent of the story is to get people having sex for the titillation it produces in the viewer. The story is as thin as possible to get them into that situation.
In a more mainstream movie, the intent is supposed to be showing how the relationships between the characters grew and situations evolved, in part from them having sex. Sex is shown as part of the way we define our relationships with one another and how it affects those relationships. Sex advances the story.
At least that's how it's SUPPOSED to work.

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RE: It is only natural ...

I agree, but I think that what surprised so many people when Basic Instinct was released was how explicit a mainstream movie could be.

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RE: It is only natural ...

When they were thinking about making the film, director Paul Verhoven and his associates actually discussed whether Catherine Tramell should be played by a european actress or an american actress, but Verhoven quickly decided that she should be played by an american because in his mind, the idea of a european femme fatale had already developed inside the heads of most american cinemagoers, but he was interested in seeing how they would react when they saw an american actress playing a sassy american writer, doing all those crazy things. For me, if there is one thing I take from the film is that men,not all, but most, no matter how hard they pretend to be, always fall for the basic human instincts and it was quite funny to see how Catherine plays with every single men in the film, the interrogation being the most emblematic moment,of course. I think that before Basic Instinct the only other major film that was brave enough to show some steamy sex scenes was Fatal Attraction and even though I was barely 3 when it was released, I remember that when I grew up people still referred to it as "that movie" because of all the fuss it created.Indeed, in Europe we have a much more natural approach towards sex and nudity in films, but some countries are far more keen in showing it than others, especially Germany, France and Spain. As for my country, Portugal, I guess that those that make movies with nudity and sex, dont really know how to tell a good story so they think that it is the only way they can draw an audience.

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