Calif. Central Coast nude beach updates?

Has anyone here visited Bonny Doon lately? We are planning a driving trip up the coast and will be staying in hotels on our way up to the Bay Area and would like to visit Bonny Doon while we are passing through.
Any and all updated info on the status of BD would be greatly appreciated.

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RE: Calif. Central Coast nude beach updates?

Sorry ... I stand corrected.

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RE: Calif. Central Coast nude beach updates?

We drove by Bonny Doon on our last trip up to the Bay area. We could have stopped but we would only have about an hour to spend on the beach and ... there wasn't any parking! I was surprised to see that area built up the way it was. When I was in the Navy and used to go down there on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays ... the was just that little hole in the wall store. Now there's all kinds of stuff around Davenport!
We're planning another trip but with the motorhome and we'll get to spend a couple days at Bonny Doon on that trip. Thanks for the updates.

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RE: Calif. Central Coast nude beach updates?

I am trying to make plans to head to Bonnie Doon beach this Saturday, June 11. Any chance anyone will be available to meet up? Just wanting some nude sun time with others. Peace, Rico

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