Full Frontal Men (Gay-Straight-Bi)

Exclusively for Full Frontal Nudists. 1630 active members who submitted 760 full frontal photos so far! (Single, Married, Divorced, Widower) who are not shy/afraid to be judged by other fellow men nudist and show themselves to the world. . It's time to be ourselves and meet/know likeminded guys. I have being running 2 successful groups here that have more than 2,000 members each. Check them...

Hello from Arkansas USA

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I'm new to this group. I'm all about male frontal nudity. We are beautiful too.

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RE:Hello from Arkansas USA

Hi I to am new to this group but have been a nudist since 2008. Love the male form and so full frontal is only natural.
Cheers Steve

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RE:Hello from Arkansas USA

I'm all about male frontal nudity.Yes you are. And very nice to look at.

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RE:Hello from Arkansas USA

No one was ever harmed by seeing a member of their own species without artificial adornment.

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