Avalon Resort

Anyone that has ever been to Avalon Resort or interested in going..

starting August 01, 2015, I will be living in a trailer at 506 for the rest of my life.......drop by anytime .......Ruhl

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Good to hear! Maybe run in to you sometime,hoping to come up for Avalon fest if I can get the extra money so I can come up on Fri. and leave on Sunday.Will tent camp if I get a spot.Hope your move goes great!

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Hi there! I met you last weekend when you stopped during your drive by our campsite! I walked out and introduced myself since I had seen you on this site. Nice to meet you! Who was your passenger? She had way too much clothing on! ;)

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    1. Hi there! I met you last weekend when you stopped during your drive by our campsite! I walked out and introduced myself since I had seen you on this site. Nice to meet you! Who was your passenger? She had way too much clothing on! ;)
      ...............how you doing, I am still chasing wifi tgill tomorrow, look me up next time your here..............................................................ruhl

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