Gay Bears Nudist Association

International association gay nudist, only for MALES, all men are welcome, gay bi, the name bears its we like the man as being natural, tall, short, fat, etc, just enjoy nudity among men and all situations and to make friendswe are going to perform many activities throughout the world, this includes private meetings, nudist resort, beaches, hiking, mountains, travel europe, america, where we can...

Sitges end Sept 2018

Anyone else going to be in Sitges around 25th Sept 2018 ? Will be our first visit to the area, love to chat to others about their experiences there.

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Thanks for adding me

Hi I am new to the Atlanta, GA nudist community. Are there any local events that you guy sponsor?

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Country Naked house Gay event 3 to 7 JANUARY...

Come celebrate with us, from January Thursday 3 , until Monday January 7 TOTAL 5 days 4 nights-our winter break where we can enjoy the countryside, the party, nudity, games and bathrooms in the heated pool, spa, sauna, Turkish baths jacuzzys, table...

bear friends

Hi everybody, Looking for bear friends and have nude cam chats or just message back and forward.

Any Minneapolis nudists?

The bf and I are visiting MSP Sept 21-26, looking to connect with local bear nudists.

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South Carolina nudists

Is anyone in south carolina especiallly near Charleston? I am in Charleston ( goose creek) and would love to meet other male nudists....

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Jones Pond Campground Bear Weekend 2018

My husband and I are heading down to Jones Pond in Angelica, NY, with friends for Bear Weekend , July 27-29, 2018. Anyone else from here plan on attending? Always up for meeting new nude friends.

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by nudeSkip 
Hi I am new from Carver Ma

Hi I am new from Carver Ma Looking for friends new and old near me. Please let me know you are around

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New To Group

Hi, I'm new to the Group...

New to Gay Lifestyle

I have been on nudist forums since high school and I have been to a couple of different campgrounds. However, it's only in the past year that I have started living a gay lifestyle. In that time, I have learned more about bears, otters, cubs,...