Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)

This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...

Have any of u got requests from NudeBetty? That profile did not look right to me.. The 1st time I got the request... I denied it I guess 4 times but keeps coming back....

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RE: Nude Betty...

Nude Betty was a Bot and removed by team true 2, once it was brought to her ATTN.

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RE: Nude Betty...

There's been a lot of those spam accounts being createdhere lately. It's some kind of program that sends friend requestsat a crazy rate. If you look up the profile it will have like over1000 friends in one day. When I get those I just block them. Itusually works.
Yeah, same here. Now I'm a guy of modest body and mind. I've
gotten a rash of newly created accounts from twenty something
females new to nudism, I want you to show me how it works
yada yada. Invariably, they have just joined and had
the stated ridiculous amount of friends added. Now I'm not
naive enough to assume a beautiful twenty something female wants to
associate with me in almost any form, let alone as a friend here.
We're losing the battle here and it's just discouraging.
My passion has waned over the last year and the bogusness
isn't particularly helping. A couple weeks ago one that I didn't immediately deal with disappeared a few days later. Perhaps she was one of the ones removed.

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RE: Nude Betty...

twinfish has been on a week and has 1183friends...
I have a friend request from these two ??? and the most odd thing
is the one of the groups they belong to is Living Naked and
Unashamed where you must have a photo to join and this profile has
no photo on it.

Now denied and blocked and flagged.

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RE: Nude Betty...

twinfish has been on a week and has 1183 friends...Yep and hastwo females named Sally and Betty as cohorts together on the site.
Sounds very suspect to me. But it appears there are so many lonely guys on here and they will make friends with anybody that sends them a request. I really feel sad for these guys.

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