Bicycling Nudists

Peopel that love to ride bicycles, nude,or otherwise. I would be nice to have a meet somewheres and ride for 10-100 miles on a given weekend. Such as a rails to trails conversion, or a segmetn of a highwa, such as teh Natchez Trace. OR meet up at a nudist resort, adn bring our bikes!

New Year's Eve 2015
Just wanted to drop a naked, shameless plug for NYE...I'm an Uber driver and want to remind everyone to be safe and responsible on NYE. There will be tons of drivers out to get you where you want to go in safety and comfort... I'll even let you ride naked!
Here's a code for your first ride free up to $20! 0sa1n (that's a zero)
Here's to an awesome, naked 2015! Cheers!

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