Catholic Nudists

A gathering of nudists who happen to be Catholic

Something to think about.

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A coincidence is when God is excluded from the explanation.
I don't think most people will understand this, what do you think

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RE: Something to think about.

The only time that a coincidence is really a coincidence, is when God is left out. Otherwise it would be considered providence.
I agree. Sometimes I find it amazing the things people chalk up to coincidence! It seems that it's so difficult for people to believe that God truly loves each and every person with such an infinite, intimate love, that he wants them to be happy! Even if He is helping in the smallest matter, it is because he loves you!

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RE: Something to think about.

I don't understand. God always has something to do with everything. He can never be excluded from anything. Coincidences happens because God allows them to happen. He allows two or more people to experience similar circumstances at the same time.These people have to learn the same lessons or sometimes they have to share their experiences with other. Many times strange things have happened to me with no explanation.

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