Christian Nudists

We gather together for fellowship. To share about our relationship with God To tell of how we work out being a Christian and a nudist in daily living. We see nudism as a positive expression of our God given sexual nature.

Is anyone giving up anything for Lent? I gave up lollies. I think it is important to give up something at this time of year!

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RE: Lent

I don't believe in giving up anything for lent, just to be giving up something. Instead I believe in committing yourself to do some spiritual discipline (i.e. prayer or Bible reading) during lent. That is what I am doing.

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RE: Lent

Well I believe in giving up something if that helps, or dedicating oneself to spiritual studies or prayer if that is what the year calls for. It is indeed such a personal dedication to one's faith.I chose to give up something this year for Lent. I have a new business and I have given up the right to live and walk in fear of failure. I had been very nervous about my new business venture and almost walking in an expectation of failure so decided I must have faith that it will succeed. As long as I keep working hard I can have peace for I have not been given a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. Grace ensures I can believe....Not easy, but I remind myself continually that I have given up the right to be afraid....

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RE: Lent

Right on, Caru.

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