Comic Book Live Action Geeks

For folks who love live action TV and movie versions of comic books

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Please take a moment to share an introduction tell about your favorite past and current comic book live action favorites

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RE:welcome new members

I grew up watching Adam West, POW, BAM! I think my current favorite live action superhero is Aquaman, at least until Captain Marvel comes out. I am partial to the Marvel universe.

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RE:welcome new members

Awesome intro Bob these are both great.I grew up watching Adam West, POW, BAM! I think my current favorite live action superhero is Aquaman, at least until Captain Marvel comes out. I am partial to the Marvel universe.

What did you think of Aquaman care to share a review? What are you looking forward to most with Captain Marvel?

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RE:welcome new members

I really didn't watch live action superheroes growing up but Spiderman and the Fantastic Four cartoons were my favorites.
Now Green Arrow and Daredevil are my favorite tv shows and my favorite movies are from the MCU. Thor, Captain America, Vision and the Scarlet Witch are my favorite characters.

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