Connecticut Mens Social Club

A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.

November 17, 2021 - Nude Game Night in Glastonbury

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Hi Guys,

Claypone99, OhNoNotYou and I will be hosting a "Cards Against Humanity" game night at my house in Glastonbury this coming week on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 6:30-9:00pm.

If interested please direct message me here or email me (ctjaybird at gmail dot com) or text me at 203-361-3167. If you text or email please include your True Nudists screen name.


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RE:November 17, 2021 - Nude Game Night in Glastonbury

Any chance of getting on a list for the next event? This sounds awesome.

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