Connecticut Mens Social Club

A group for men in Connecticut and those near by to have a way of planning nude events. Pool parties, game night, movie night or just a good old fashioned naked dinner.

Time for a check in...

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It has been a while since we have done this and there have been some new members join...
Where are you located?
What would you like to get out of this group?
How are you holding up in these crazy pandemic times?

East Haven here. I am here to make local friends. There are so many people I have had great connections with around the world and I would love to make those same connections locally with people I might actually be able to meet.
As for how I am doing, I miss human connection. I miss hanging out on the deck enjoying a naked drink and conversations with friends.

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RE:Time for a check in...

I miss those times too buddy. For those who dont know, I live in Litchfield. Its very lonely in the nw corner

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RE:Time for a check in...

Definitely struggling sometimes...ugh.
Ive never hung out in a group, and would really like to. Would love to turn up the heat, get naked, have some drinks, put in some movies and hang...Im in eastern ct

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RE:Time for a check in...

Well we ended up a COVID house... I caught it from a guy at work who did not believe it was real and could not wear a mask because he is claustrophobic. And since it is the season of giving, I gave it to my husband. We have been lucky that we have had mild symptoms and were able to take the time to recover. Kind of glad to have it over and done with and hoping the antibodies last a good long time!

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RE:Time for a check in...

Oh no! Me, too Chat anytime Skype: chad.c.foster

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RE:Time for a check in...

Glad you are both well now.

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RE:Time for a check in...

" in response to another post -

Well we ended up a COVID house... I caught it from a guy at work who did not believe it was real and could not wear a mask because he is claustrophobic. And since it is the season of giving, I gave it to my husband. We have been lucky that we have had mild symptoms and were able to take the time to recover. Kind of glad to have it over and done with and hoping the antibodies last a good long time!


Very glad you guys came thru without the harsher impacts this disease can levy on some folks!

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RE:Time for a check in...

Im so sorry to hear your wife is still having problems and for the loss of your father in law. I am terrified to visit my parents for that very reason. The holidays are going to be rough this year!

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RE:Time for a check in...

Mike, I have been saying that for months. I have multiple comorbidities but haven't gotten it at all. I still consider it a bad flu, it looks like all of these lockdowns and mandates are just power trips for politicians.

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RE:Time for a check in...

You can consider it what you want. It won't care. It is not just a bad flu.

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RE:Time for a check in...

You can consider it what you want. It won't care. It is not just a bad flu.

Hear, hear! I've already lost an old friend to it, and watched multiple people suffer through. Not all make a full recovery. Anyone who thinks it's "just a bad flu" is either willfully ignorant or delusional.

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