Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

font size="2"I work over night at my local mall as a security officer. it was about 2 am and a lady friend of mine who was hanging out with me at work dared me to take off my clothes and walk around the mall in one lap naked. So i did it. That was an awesome thrill for me. I love doing things like that for the thrills :)

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RE: Nude at work

classic. what kind of practice are you two in?

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RE: Nude at work

The picture from my earlier post.

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RE: Nude at work

I have my own small business, consulting.

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RE: Nude at work

I'm working from home now so "nude at work" doesn't really mean much. I'm nude most of the time.
Before moving to my home office, I worked in a very small office. Occasionally, everyone would be out of the office for the day, so naked time! A bit daring, in that someone could have come in suddenly. My office wasn't right in the front of the door, but I wouldn't have much warning to get dressed.

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RE: Nude at work #2

This is the second time I ever got nude at work: I was in my junior year of college, and had decided to switch my major from Religion (I wanted to be a youth pastor) to Behavioral Science so I could pursue a career in law enforcement. To make extra money and get a taste of what was to come, I started to work for a security company based out of Santa Ana, California. This company was no ordinary security company though, as all of our clients were very high profile, and we were the only company in Southern California that was allowed to train at the Sheriff's Department. Anyway, there was an art museum in Fullerton that had experienced some problems, so I was assigned to it for the graveyard shift. The Muckenthaller museum (yes, that is the name... and a funny story to follow) was fairly isolated on some expansive grounds, and could not be seen from any nearby houses or streets. It was very boring duty, and I guess our presence did serve to keep things quiet, but I read a lot of books, and finished a lot of college work while there. Ocasionally, I would randomly walk the outside grounds, and that is when I met Muckenthumper. Muckenthumper was a rabbit who had zero fear of humans, and would hop right up to you hoping to get a snack. I learned from the daytime employees that they always took some lettuce out to him and would hand feed him during the day, and they had affectionally given him his name, after the museum and the famous disney character.
One night, I had no college work to do, and my eyes were tired from reading. It was about 3AM, and quiet as a tomb, so I got a little fire inside and decided to get nude. We all worked as armed guards for this company, so this meant taking off my Sam Brown Rig, my boots, and my uniform. Taking the keys with me, I made a round of the museum both inside and out, stopping to enjoy some of the paintings I liked, but never had done so nude, and then even went outside to check the grounds. There was a lot of expensive paintings in this place, and if robbers had decided to hit it at that time, I dont think the "gun" I had attached to my body would have stopped them. I would have been totally compromised. It was nice to walk the grounds with its emmaculatly groomed lawns nude and barefoot, but I went back inside and stayed nude until an hour before I knew the staff were due to show up. It was quite a rush, and I repeated the experience a few times before the contract ended, once remaining nude all night long.

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RE: Nude at work

Being a Theatrical Designer has kept me in the theatres at all hours of the night.
One show I designed I also was the scenic painter--I wanted a beautiful marble floor and staircase for this musical review. One night on the giant staircase and one night on the stage deck. (all paint has to remain wet when marbleizing--so you have to go for it all at once!)I did the entire paintjob 100% nude. That was a great feeling!!! (also, the reviews ravedabout my marble set design!)Lately I've been working for this little theatre not far from home just for the fun of it! AndI've been hanging the lights and running all the cables, etc., naked. (not 'nude' as I have towear shoes and a toolbelt for this!) When the "straight" theatre owner knows I'm working alone, I'm naked. So he just happens to show up at the oddest of times... really? just "passing by" at 4am on a Tuesday? hehee... (He loves to do nude scenes 'on' stage... but won't get naked with me while working... hummmmmm)That's just a few of my naked working stories... I've got more... later!

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RE: Nude at work

I was "technically" nude at work but I had posted this story in the "Driving Nude" group and not here but I think it applies.
I've been driving naked for longer than I can remember. I'd drive naked to and from work and had been doing so for over 25 years. I was having trouble sleeping for sometime and found myself leaving for work earlier so I didn't bother my wife with all the tossing and turning I was doing. I'd get to work about 6-6:30 am which was just a little earlier than usual.
This story took place post 9/11. My station was in a small contract city. Post 9/11 the council became quite concerned and began buying and installing security cameras for the City Hall and Police and main Fire Station (mine). We'd heard about it but never gave it much thought and just went about our routine. Time had passed and I would usually park under a covered parking structure where I would then slip on my shorts and shirt and walk inside the station. This particular time, I decided to pull into the apparatus floor behind the fire engine because I had gotten to work early and there were no empty parking stalls.
I drove to work naked, as usual, entered the gated complex and drove into the back of the fire station. ALL the back doors were open and I never thought much about what happened but ... instead of slipping on shorts, I just exited the truck naked, grabbed my clothes and bag and walked across the apparatus floor to the door leading up to the upstairs locker room. Everyone was still asleep and no one was the wiser.
Later that morning, I had to go over to the police station to conduct some business. I was looking for a particular officer and was told he was in dispatch. I went into their dispatch center and as I walked in, two younger female dispatchers turned to see who was entering the room and they both smiled at me, looked at each other, smiled at each other and then turned around to their consoles. I spoke with the officer regarding my business and then I was about to step out when one of the women turned and asked if they could talk to me. I said sure and walked over to where they were seated.
They both looked up at me and said ... "how are you this morning?" I said , "fine, how are you two?" They said, "well, we're much better after seeing you arrive this morning!" The light still wasn't clicking on for me. They could see I was puzzled. Then one of them said, "Cap, you're aware that the security cameras are up and running aren't you?" I said ... "ahhhhh, no ... didn't know that." She then said ... "see those monitors up there? We watched you drive in and get outta your truck." :D I wasn't sure what to say and before I could get out any more than "hey, sorry about that..." one of them stopped me and said, "don't apologize. We just want to know if that's a habit and if we can expect that every time you drive in. It sure makes our day!"
They could see I was a little embarrassed because I thought I was being careful about it all and ... well, I got caught nude at work but some that didn't know of my lifestyle. As I got up to leave, they both got up and hugged me and said ... "looking forward to seeing you again!" ;-) I did my best to keep further nude exits outta the truck, while in the fire station, down to a minimum but I'd see these two every now and then and they'd smile and wave.
One last short story. I'd always wanted to drive a fire engine naked. How was I going to do this? My crew knew I loved driving fire engines, especially the manual transmission types. Just before retiring, I decided I was going to finally drive a fire engine naked. I put on a jacket and my turnout boots and pants and nothing else. I told my crew I was taking the reserve fire engine out for it's 2 mile weekly road test. When I got to the rig I slipped outta my turnouts and just had a light weight jacket on unzipped. I drove naked all around town for about 20 mins. I was fun and I finally crossed that off my bucket list.

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RE: Nude at work #3

So now I am out of college, and looking to start a career in law enforcement... but I had made the mistake of moving back to Ohio where my folks live, and there were simply no jobs available. Well, there were. If I were a black man or a woman. But a white man fighting affirmative action does not have a chance. Anyway, I got a job with a local security company, and one of my jobs was a manufacturing plant in the tri-county area. I had to work Thanksgiving day, and of course, no one was going to be in the plant, so I stripped down nude and made my rounds in the all together, and sat at the front desk nude as well. I had brought my VCR and a small TV with me (remember those?), and sat nude watching movies all day between rounds. When you gat a chance, you gotta take advantage of it!

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RE: Nude at work #4

This was posted in another thread:
I used to be the hotel detective for a 5 star hotel in Cincinnati, and since I was "the new guy", I had to work a lot of graveyard shifts. Even though we worked in suit and ties, I would often find opportunities to get naked and spend nude time in the office, and occasionally, I would go through remote areas of the hotel nude that is off limits to people who did not have access. I had the "keys to the kingdom" that allowed me to go anywhere, so I would be nude in some strange places. On one particular boring night, it was three AM, and the only people on duty was a bellman, who liked to sleep in the bell closet during those hours (as I had caught him many times), the night auditors, who's noses were always buried in their books running numbers unless someone came to the front desk, me, and the night manager, who I knew was awake but preferred to stay in his hotel-provided room unless someone called him. Feeling particularly daring, I got a list of empty rooms from the front desk, and memorized a few on various floors. Now, keep in mind that these were the days before there were security cameras all over the dang place, and the few that existed, well, I knew where they were. So I got nude in my office, took the freight elevator up to the 31st floor (as high as it would go), then took the stairs up to the roof, where I was naked and overlooking downtown Cincinnati. I had done this before (nude on the roof), but had my clothes nearby. This time, my clothes were 33 floors away in the basement. I walked the roof, and then proceeded to walk all 31 floors nude going down the stairwells on either side of the hotel. I did this every single night in order to gather the room service breakfast cards, but I had never done it nude before! Walking the fifth floor where hotel business is conducted was a rush, especially since I had to walk past the HR Office, but everything was dark and silent. I even walked through the employee cafeteria. I walked through the two ball rooms nude, the meeting halls, down the grand staircases, walked the Mezzanine, and then came out into the rear of the kitchen where I dropped off the cards at room service. I then walked out nude into the five star restaurant there, which was in the dark but in clear view of the lobby, and then up to another meeting roomwhere there is a hidden staircase to the basement area. I continued nude into the basement and sub basement areas, and if not for the filthy floors, I would have gone even deeper that into the tower sub basement complex that is way below street level. I then went back to the office and finished writing all of my reports, remaining nude until I got a report of an unanswered wake up call that I had to check on around 6AM.
I never repeated that scenario, although I was nude many times in that hotel while on duty during graveyard. I only had one close call, when the night manager needed to speak to me about a report, and told me he would come to me in my office. I knew I had about two minutes before he got there, and I never dressed so quickly in my life! I didn't get my tie on, but he did not care, figuring I was just being "comfortable" writing my reports in the privacy of the office out of view of the guests. If he only knew!

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RE: Nude at work #6

Posted on another thread:
I used to be the head bouncer of a very exclusive nightclub in North Carolina. I was almost always the last person to leave when it closed at 2AM, since my staff and I preferred to make sure the female wait staff got to their cars without harassment. One night in July after I closed down and finally got out of there around 2:45 AM, I decided to drive home nude. Anyone who has ever lived in North Carolina in the summer time knows how hot and humid it is, so I got naked, rolled down the windows, and took back roads home where I knew police scarcely patrolled. But halfway home, I remembered I had left my Wallet in the DJ booth (We always put our stuff in there since it was convenient), and I needed it the next morning, so I turned around and headed back.
Syd's Niteclub was off the lobby of the hotel, and there are two entrances there as well as an emergency exit at the rear, but I did not have keys to that exit. The lobby doors are never locked though, and by now, it was 3:15 AM. I pulled up to the front doors, and if I had seen anyone at the front desk or in the lobby, I was just going to continue into the parking lot and put my pants and shoes back on. But the lobby was clear, and no one was at the front desk, so I pulled ahead until my car was just out of sight of the doors, got out naked, ran into the lobby, and into the club through the door that was closest to the front door. Once inside, I relaxed, and even though it was dark, I knew the club like my own living room, so I easily navigated over to the DJ booth and retrieved my freakin' wallet. Don't misunderstand me, I like being nude, and doing this was a bit of a rush, but I HATE forgetting things and having to waste my time making return trips. The life of an ADD sufferer.
As long as I was there, I walked the club nude, went behind the bar, and even though the fountains were off, and the hard liquor and beer steins were locked, the bar staff always kept the cooler with the Perrier unlocked, so I grabbed myself a few bottles, and then went up into the VIP section were I sat naked in the huge chairs there, and drank my Perrier (I had my leg tucked up underneath me folks... ever seen a bar chair in the daylight? Gross!). After finishing, I exited out the rear emergency exit (not alarmed), and went to my car. Guess what? I left the friggin' wallet on the table next to where I drank my Perrier!! I had to repeat the experience of running into the lobby (after making sure the coast was clear), and running through the club door, to once again, retrieve my wallet. Friggin' ADD. Thankfully, the drive home was uneventful.
Syd's is not open anymore, but man do I have some fond memories of that place...

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