Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Nude infront of clothed and non nudists.

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RE: Nude infront of clothed and non nudists.

Well, the point of this thread was not textiles coming onto a nude beach. I just remembered another time I was nude in front of textiles. I was in the 82nd and worked at nights as the head bouncer at a very popular niteclub called Syd's. We had an expert come in and do a makeover, which included not only the club itself, but new get ups for the bar staff, the wait staff and my bouncers. Anyway, we had a grand opening event, and we all pitched in during the day to decorate, and then headed to one of the rooms (Syd's was located inside the Holiday Inn there) to change and get ready for the big night. Well, the ladies were all crowded into the bathroom putting on their makeup and what not, looking gorgeous as always, and I needed to shower, because I sweated my ass off moving things around and getting things done that day. It got to the point that if I did not strip and get into the shower, I was not going to be ready in time, so I told the ladies that I needed to get in the shower, and if they were offended by my nudity, than they needed to close their eyes. They all sang out, "do it! We don't care!". Yeah, right.
So I stripped down and got into the shower, and I saw that every single one of them was checking me out... one of them even was bold enough to turn around and be flagrant about it. I was in top condition back then, since we ran seven miles a day in the 82nd, and had to be in top condition to preform airborne operations, so I had zero fat on my swimmer's body. So before closing the shower curtain, I noticed that most of the women's eyes were looking at my mid section... as they pretended not to notice while putting on their lipstick and stuff.
I showered, and then got out to towel off. I thought, "well, if they don't mind, I might as well give them a complete show". So I took my time drying off, and then walked nude out to the bedroom where I started to put on my new bouncer clothes.
None of them ever mentioned the incident outright, but I got a lot more smiles after that. It was fun.

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RE: Nude infront of clothed and non nudists.

Any of us who routinely use CO beaches have by definition been nude in nude tolerant textile company. We probably have not even thought about it as long they don't care we don't. Baring all in front of friends and relatives who may be disapproving requires a level of bravado most us just do not have. Even if they know that you are a nudist and may say that they don't mind most of wouldn't feel comfortable. It would be different if you went as a group to a CO beach where some others went nude then I almost certainly would go nude though would feel more self conscious than with total strangers.

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RE: Nude infront of clothed and non nudists.

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There is always a place to get naked as we show in both photos.

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