Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Getting caught driving nude.

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Has anyone ever been caught driving nude.. pulled over by the police or been in an accident while nude? Would love to hear what happened.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

. It would be frowned upon by upper management at the very least. I hate to think what would happen if they knew I regularly drove their company car naked.Ehhh... that's where I draw the line. Work is work, play is play. Unless my work involved being nude (such as when I was a figure drawing model), I wouldn't take my clothes off on the clock. And my aversion to clothes is such that, if I possibly can, I change into short shorts for the trip home from work -- especially if I need to go anywhere else on the way.

Most company cars unless its a pool of cars are available for personal use. I had several over about 12 years and they were just the car I drove whenever I had to drive. It was a perk.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Driving naked is not illegal - generally, even in America

In some states it is considered wreckless driving.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

In my more than 45 years of driving nude, I know I have been seen several times. I do not do anything to bring attention to my nudity, it is just sometimes someone will notice.
So far, never had a real problem.
As I have said before, if being seen nude bothers you, driving nude is not for you.

I have both been pulled over and had an accident while driving nude.
In both cases I was able to pull on my shorts before dealing with anyone.

The accident occurs on my drive home from work. Traffic was a little lighter than normal but there was one spot where it always slowed down.
This day unfortunately there were several people not paying attention. The four cars ahead of me hit each other. Since I was expecting the slowdown I was able to stop in plenty of time.
I glanced in my mirror and saw the nearest car behind me was quite a distance so was not too worried until the next thing I knew he plowed into me.
Was able to get my shorts and sandals on before getting out of the car.

The police pull over also occurred on my way home from work.
My car was in the shop and I had to borrow a car from my Brother In Law that he was not using.
Unfortunately the tags were expired and that is the reason he pulled me over.
Again I was able to pull on my sweat pants before he got to the car. He did question why I did not have a shirt on since the temps was in the low 60s but I told him this was my in-laws car and the heater control was broken on high (not exactly true but it was the only thing I could think of at the time).
Got a fix-it ticket.

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