Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Totally me, I love driving naked.

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Cant believe I found this group. I drive naked rather often. I have driven from mlps to turtle lake resort In MI naked. The twin cities to Duluth an back. Twin cities to St could and back. Numerous times back and forth to WI. Lots and lots of times to and from various locations around the twin cities area.
I only cover up my privates when passing semi trucks to avoid being reported to authorities.
It is so freeing to drive nude.
Also very interesting to see the number of people driving that are so immersed in their own world to even glance up from the road.

I told a lady about my drive to turtle lake while visiting and couldnt believe how jealous of me she was.

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RE:Totally me, I love driving naked.

Great that you are able to do this where you are. And yeah, it's surprising how seldom people notice anything around them. Probably not right now, but you might try some naked drives in Florida or another warm, beachy place. Lots of guys drive shirtless, so people tend not to notice that....and it's easy enough to strip right down. Fun.

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