Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Cruising to Cedar Creek

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On my way to Cedar Creek

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RE:Cruising to Cedar Creek

On the way to Cedar Creek was actually the first time my ex rode nude.

We were staying with some nudist friends in Columbia; and we were going to head out together to Cedar Creek. Our hostess had tinted windows on her jeep, and said that she usually drove nude to the resort. Much to my surprise my wife liked the idea of not having to get dressed again, so she took her up on her offer to ride with her. Because the Cedar Creek parking lot is inside the resort, she was able to just hop out of the car already naked and just go straight to check in - without having to cover up at any point.
She really enjoyed that experience; and occasionally, if we left out resort a little late, she would just do the ride back home nude, window rolled down, enjoying the warm air cooling her down after a day in the sun. Of course it's easier when you're not the one having to do the driving!

But yeah...the ride to Cedar Creek is a good one to do naked.

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