Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Finally Did It.

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Drove home from band nude tonight. Sat on a towel in case I needed cover. Took my shirt and footwear off quickly but waited until the parking lot was empty to drop the shorts. Took the route on back roads instead of driving through towns. Freeing and nerve wracking at the same time.
Next challenge daylight nude driving.
Next time night or day wear pull on shorts before and after drive. Working with buttons and zipper when sitting in a car is a challenge.

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RE:Finally Did It.

I was beginning to think you would never go through with it. Congrats on finally pulling it off. pun intended.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Step one of what I hope to be a 3 stage journey.
Next would be driving the minivan nude in the daytime, then the convertible with the top up.
Some would say I should try the final step and drive the convertible with the top down, but that is not on my to do list.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Great, wasn't it exciting? The seed has been planted; it will grow!
Take a bottomless drive out of the metro area on the highway, and drive in the right lane just a little slower than traffic. Observe what your fellow passers-by are doing, I bet they are playing on their devices. Once you are comfortable shed the shirt! You will see, most are way too busy to notice you.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Good for you, usual way to start. Keep on and try to reach the level to drive nude thru town.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Good for you, usual way to start. Keep on and try to reach the level to drive nude thru town.

Probably will. Maybe my car at night or van in daytime.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Great, wasn't it exciting? The seed has been planted; it will grow!Take a bottomless drive out of the metro area on the highway, and drive in the right lane just a little slower than traffic. Observe what your fellow passers-by are doing, I bet they are playing on their devices. Once you are comfortable shed the shirt! You will see, most are way too busy to notice you.

I rarely wear a shirt when driving in warm weather, so I doubt that I will do it when not wearing shorts!

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RE:Finally Did It.

Well done, isn't it great fun, definitely try daylight driving, just be wary of trucks when stopping at lights they do have a birds eye view

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RE:Finally Did It.

I can flip the towel over my lap if needed.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Not so much trucks, but busses. Especially school busses. I just put my shorts over my lap when passing them.
Most trucks won't be able to see in unless you pace them. Tried looking from a truck. It's hard to see in and drive. Only a split second as they pass the truck.

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RE:Finally Did It.

Drove about 3 hours today wearing at least shorts the entire time. Felt more confining than ever. I have a meeting this evening. Maybe I will drive home nude, even though the route includes a busy residential area and a major highway.

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