Electric Vehicle Nudists

Owners of EVs are concerned about being one with nature. Electric cars are environmentally neutral. They are the nudists of the vehicular world. They are quiet and emissions free. Very suitable to a Nudist mentality.

Hey Y'all. Lets get an EV group together

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I'm sure there are some EV nudists. I just purchased a Tesla Model S85D! I haven't driven her naked yet. The swept back windshield is quite exposing.

She arrived today! As
she got down off the truck, I was captivated by the twinkle in her eyes and the
deep titanium tan. The green bejeweled
navel showed her to be all charged up.
As I approached her she opened up to me, beckoning me hither. As I entered her I briefly touched the brake.
But her expression changed beckoning me to ride on. As I pressed down, she got more and more energized
and things moved rapidly. But, she
remained quiet and discrete as we listened to Bolero on the radio.

Lucy is wonderful.
I hope my wife isnt jealous. Oh
Well! (Titanium Tesla MS85D 2015)

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RE:Hey Y'all. Lets get an EV group together

I have a Model X on order and take delivery in August. Can't wait to be part of the revolution.

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RE:Hey Y'all. Lets get an EV group together

Awesome news. I have my Model 3 reserved, expecting in early 2018.

Have you driven naked in your Model X yet?

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