Guy Camaraderie

Closeness among guys is central to GC. Hello! My name's Ryan, the founder of Guy Camaraderie. We welcome guys from any background. Whether you identify as straight, gay, bi, or otherwise, there are no expectations or criticisms here. Please allow me to give you a brief overview of the core concepts and philosophy of Guy Camaraderie (or GC for short). The central focus once again is closeness...

Men Being Affectionate

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I saw a BuzzFeed video and I want to pose a question:
What do you think of men having an extremely affectionate relationship with one another? The video I saw was of two men kissing each other on the lips and I thought that it's really cool that men are that comfortable with themselves to be that affectionate with one another and not have it mean anything more than showing that you care about them. In a world where same sex relationships are becoming more accepted I think it was only a matter of time before norms started to relax for straight people because of it.
I have kissed a couple of my other straight male friends (I am straight too) and we all have thought nothing of it. Now even though it was not on the lips, I wouldn't be horribly offended if it did end up on the lips.
So my question is: In bonding and showing affection, do you kiss in a friendly way? Id be okay with that.

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RE:Men Being Affectionate

I kiss lots of male buds on the lips very softly and slowly. No open, just a very intimate and kind hello. It's really comforting and incredibly powerful to be so close. It's not sexual or romantic in the least. It's just close.

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RE:Men Being Affectionate

All men (almost all) regardless of orientation do. Nobody wants to listen to the feminists but this almost deathly fear of intimacy exactly what rigid and cold male socialization does. Barriers walls and a lot of loneliness and pain. We all wanted a brother/father/uncles that were kind gentle supportive AND strong and exciting before that was pushed out of us. We wanted touch and affection from other men. How else do we learn it? I had almost none. It's messed me up over the years. I don't regret what I didn't get but I did have to work hard to find those kinds of experiences as an adult. Still at it. lol. We need more affection than women do I think. And we need it from each other. It's only 'gay ' in the sense that it's loving... but filial... not romantic or sexual. The irony being few gay men get any of it either because we have the baggage too. The fear of intimacy keeps us lonely and scared to be. We're taught to worry obsessively about sexuality and to wiggle into boxes that don't breathe. It's sad but groups and posts like this are really beautiful to see.

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RE:Men Being Affectionate

Right on, man!!!!! XD

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RE:Men Being Affectionate

I would have to say, it depends on my friends and our level of friendship because I have some real close straight friends that I have been nude with but I don't know that I would kiss them. I see some of them as my brother since I was born and raised in a Catholic household and I would never want to kiss my brother but I would kiss some of my other straight male friends in a platonic way since.

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RE: Men Being Affectionate

Personally, I believe the USA would be better off indulging in more affection. If we knew and cared more for our nneighbours, maybe we'd even like them. At least we would know who they were.I definitely agree with this part. The stodgy and puritanical Americans of the US could get that stick out of their ass, and BE more affectionate to their own kids, first of all, and then to friends and neighbors. We NEED more love in this country right now.

This has dawned on me recently through nudism touch and self reflection. I love hugging kissing hand holding caressing being touched and by lots of men. Not sexual. Intimate. I have wanted it all my life did not know or accept it. I now try to share the gift of honest caring touch as I can. I agree we need more love.

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RE: Men Being Affectionate

Well said, but the fact that the USA has not yet been able to be nude and free from the other forbidden acts of love that they have to get rid of their attitude regardless of whether or not they are very different from other countries around the world. They have to be more open to the idea of having their own way of life and their own identity as a great country.

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RE:Men Being Affectionate

I honestly think that the world would be a better place if men were more vulnerable with their feelings and emotions. But of course thanks to societal norms from both the male and female perspective, men are supposed to be strong , stern, nearly emotionless unless it is with their significant other. Once every guy is able to become vulnerable with other guys we will achieve greater understanding and be able to empathize with each other on a deeper level. And that is what I hope for in the near future.

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