I Always Sleep Naked

For those who enjoy sleeping nude. Para aqueles que curtem dormir n.

Sleeping Nude!! Nothing Like It!!

I was shy about taking my shirt & shoes off when I was young. But out of the blood I started sleeping nude in my 30s....and it felt solo great & sexy. I want my next wife & I to sleep nude every single night!

How or Why would you ever sleep any other...

I'm 59 & started sleeping naked about 15. I never owned/wore pj's so I went from drawers to naked. From that first night I've slept naked every night since. It didn't/hasn't mattered where I was, who I was with or the...


hi, all. I'm new to the group and the title kinda says it all

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Sleeping Naked

I also always sleep naked this is the best way to sleep I believe.

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Os beneficios de dormir nu(a)

o que diz, pelo menos, o site da Cosmopolitan , onde explicam que neste vero devemos dormir nu(a) pelas seguintes razes:saudavel para a suas partes ntimas - Ambientes mais quentes gerados pelas roupas podem causar mais infeces do que o normal e pode...

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