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Parents Sleeping Nude

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Havent seen a thread about one or both parents sleeping nude when growing up. My dad started sleeping nude when I was 10ish. Never discussed why he started doing so. Although I wore shorts to bed through college, the impression of him sleeping nude was what got me thinking about doing it. Thanks, Dad!

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

My mother always slept in pajamas, my father in his undershirts. I was caught sleeping nude at age six and was told by my mother it was wrong and had to at least wear undershirts. Which I did until moving out many years later.
When growing up and caught nude around the house I was told to put on some clothes, but never told it was wrong. Sorry you had that experience.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

My mother always slept in pajamas, my father in his undershirts. I was caught sleeping nude at age six and was told by my mother it was wrong and had to at least wear undershirts. Which I did until moving out many years later.

Did you and your dad sleep in just t shirts and nothing below the waist?

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

My father only slept in underwear and my mother always in gowns, sometimes we shared a room for trips and my dad just took off what he was wearing and it was the opportunities I had not to wear sleepwear because I said to my mom if My dad sleeps like that too. I only saw my dad naked when we were in the showers in the dressing rooms.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Very cool story.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Very cool story.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Growing up it was just mom and me, and she slept nude as long as I can remember, was never shy or embarrassed about it. This was back in the 60s, she was a bit of a hippie.

I wore pajama shorts to bed, not sure why, but when I was around six I got fascinated by sleeping naked like she did. So I would slip out of my shorts at night, then slip them back on the next morning, or if she came in (usually nude) to wake me up for school, I'd stay under the blanket until she left.

One saturday morning I woke up with her sitting on the bed beside me, rubbing my bare buns and back. Apparently during the night I'd kicked the blankets off the bed, along with my shorts. Mom actually apologized, said it was silly to keep me wearing shorts when she wore nothing, I should start sleeping bare as well. Took me by the hand and led me to the kitchen where we ate breakfast, still naked.

After that we both went nude at home pretty much full time. I guess it was that which got me hooked on nudity.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Similar back grounds.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Both parents slept nude. Mom and dad divorced when I was about 12. Mom still slept nude and presume dad did also . I started at about 14. Other than a few short lapses of PJ's I haven't looked back.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Was raised in a very conservative home. We did not have A/C in the hot & muggy south. So my Dad would sleep nude and my Mom in a nightgown. My brother and I shared a room and we could sleep nude, but only if the door was closed and we dressed before opening the door to include T-shirt, button shirt jeans.

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RE:Parents Sleeping Nude

Was raised in a very conservative home. We did not have A/C in the hot & muggy south. So my Dad would sleep nude and my Mom in a nightgown. My brother and I shared a room and we could sleep nude, but only if the door was closed and we dressed before opening the door to include T-shirt, button shirt jeans.

So you couldn't be shirtless outside your bedroom?
Were shorts allowed or did you have to wear long pants?
I couldn't be shirtless in the house, but it was OK if I was doing yard work on a hot day.
Shorts were permissible.

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