Indiana Nudists

A place for nudists from the hoosier state to connect.

i am new to the nudist social site...been a closet nudist most my life

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i am very new to the social nudist community...i have been a so called "closet nudist" for a few years but have been closed minded about exploring open waters so to girlfriend doesn't know i am a nudist she just thinks i like getting naked in front of her a lot...i am looking for friends that are more open about the situation to help me from the fears i have been having towards group outings...i just need someone to talk about this with cause i really didn't want to tread open waters all that much until the owner of did an IAma on reddit about this topic and i gave me some courage to seek out others in my adventurous ways....So if anyone wants to talk to me about this situation please let me know on email or you can text me if that seems to be easier...just email me for #...Thank you for listening to my story

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well thanks for the support...indiana fucking sucks

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