Loincloth Nudists

For anyone who enjoys loincloths or similiar minimal garb for those occasions when nudity isn't possible. Or for anyone who first got interested in nude living from watching the old TARZAN movies as a kid like I did!

How many have read Edgar Rice Burroghs' Tarzan books? In the books, Tarzan doesn't wear a loincloth, but actually prefers to be naked.
"This was life! Ah, how he loved it! Civilization held nothing like this in its narrow and circumscribed sphere, hemmed in by restrictions and conventionalities. Even clothes were a hindrance and a nuisance. At last he was free. He had not realized what a prisoner he had been." Edgar Rice Burroghs

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RE: Tarzan

The man who carved out a naturist in me and helped me in harboring
thoughts and fantasies in naturism is no other than.....Tarzan.
know it is very similar to many of us. I am sure that Edgar - the
creator of the Tarzan had a strong element of naturism in him. His
created character Tarzan influenced many of us in naturism. This is a
good example of how literature and fiction, comic strips, films can
influence children.
Here I will try to remember some of those old memories which I had with Tarzan.
If you have similar experiences...please share.

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