Massage Exchange Bangalore

Like minded naturists can exchange nude massages. Interested fellow nudists can interact, chat, discuss, learn, teach and of course massage each other. Bangalore naturists are invited to join the group

Sensible Body Massage Service during your visit to Pune.

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Dear Members, I am Shirish from Pune... Being a member of the group I can provide you Nice Sensible Body Massage Service during your visit to Pune. Feel free to contact / communicate me your visit plan for Pune and free timings. Making you Comfortable when you are out from your Home-Town is the Only Purpose... So FEEL Free n Friendly....

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RE: Sensible Body Massage Service during your visit to Pune.

Hi Shirish,
I am in Pune. Will be free on Saturday evening.

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RE: Sensible Body Massage Service during your visit to Pune.

Dear Members, I am Shirish from Pune... Being a member of the group I can provide you Nice Sensible Body Massage Service during your visit to Pune. Feel free to contact / communicate me your visit plan for Pune and free timings. Making you Comfortable when you are out from your Home-Town is the Only Purpose... So FEEL Free n Friendly....Anyone likely to visit in near future ? Please keep informed...

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