Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

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For people who enjoy a really good cup of coffee In the Nude while dangling Donuts off your Penis for others to enjoy a hands free like experience..

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

Sounds like a ton of fun! I'd be keen - if I was anywhere nearby!

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

I like coffee but love Donuts, will have to try that sometime

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

It won't work in my part of the UK where we have jam doughnuts that are ball-shaped and not ring-shaped.
I suppose you could try to stick yourself in through the hole where the jam was inserted (if you are small enough).

Edited to add:
I have seen Krispy-Kreme Donuts in the UK but I would struggle to insert my thumb through the hole in those, let alone anything else.

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

I love my coffee in the nude, have not tried to dangle a donut of my penis, will have to try that, thanks for the idea

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

Never mind doughnuts - some of us could use bagels.

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RE:Coffee and Donuts In the Nude

So who can carry the most donuts?

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