Naked At The Work

for people who like to work naked always as it is possible

it's very great to work naked, clothes stay clean.

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RE: naked work

I think or so, special at painting of room you want only to wash your skin :) And if you work in hot summer time is much better to work naked.

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RE:naked work

I'm always naked around the house so unless I'm on a ladder in the backyard where I can be seen over the fence line I'm naked

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RE:naked work

Like alltancouple, I am naked always while working inside or outside, on our property ... unless it's out front, then I wear some sheer shorts. We've actually had the neighbor across the street come over and see what we were working on and my wife and I were covered, minimally. Weren't sure how she'd react but didn't seem to bother her a bit ... she just kept talking as though it were normal. She actually made a comment about my wife's dress and said she'd love to find something like that for her to wear around their home.

The fence/block wall line is my gauge. I can do some ladder work but gotta keep below that line because we are surrounded by houses. Just did some yard maintenance the other day. Naked for most of it but had to get up on the 8 ft A frame ladder to cut some tree branches and palm fronds. Had a great view of my naked wife cutting all the trimmings up into smaller pieces to put in the green bin! Too bad I didn't have my phone/camera up there to get some great pics!

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RE:naked work

I occasionally have the office to myself like this afternoon where coworkers left early. Usually when that offers itself the clothes are off and work for a few hours that way.

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RE:naked work

I occasionally have the office to myself like this afternoon where coworkers left early. Usually when that offers itself the clothes are off and work for a few hours that way.

About how often does this happen?

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RE:naked work

When weather cooperates we are always naked around property, unless running dangerous stuff that requires protective gear.....chainsaw, logsplitter! We are on 18 acres in neighbors can see anywhere on our property.

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