Naked Seniors!

A group for 50, 60, 70 year olds and above, as well as younger admirers of naked seniors. At our ages you think we'd know better. Running around with no clothes on--we could catch a death of a cold or, even worse, pneumonia! Everyone knows, too, that gravity begins to take over as far as our bodies are concerned--men as well as women suddenly find they need support in places they'd never...


We are starting a naturist club in Northern Arizona. Check out our website at Let us know if you are interested in participating. Ken Sunwalker

senior here

nudist from leesburg always looking for people to be naked with. 74 y/o m g/f used to be naked to but shes big and shy now. so me alone im str8

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hi thanks for the add how good it is to find this group be nice to chat to every one so dont be frightened to send invites to me if like to i am widowed male but still love life don


greetings from south wales uk

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hi to all

senior here. just saying hello. if u have been to a resort or beach please let me know. location doesnt matter.

Any Older Maryland Nudists?

We are a couple 70 and 60 that are nudists looking for other nudists near our ages or like older people in West Maryland.

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True Beauty of the Human Soul

I find it encouraging that there are so many of us seniors among the nudist community. We live in a society obsessed with youth,for many, beauty is also synonymous with youthful physical appearance. Yet there is a value in the wisdom and experience...

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The Wisdom of Age

One thing I particularly enjoy about aging is thewisdom that accompanies it. Not only wisdom butself-acceptance,a sense of not taking life too seriously. I find that being a nudist is completely compatible withwho I am, a great way to enjoy living...

Milwaukee Area?

Any naked seniors around the Milwaukee area?

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