Nude Swimmers

A group for those of us who enjoy nude swimming - for fun - for exercise and for competition. List places where you can swim laps nude please

Moonlite Skinny Dip

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Being a young Marine who lived in the barracks, there was very little privacy or opportunities to be nude without scrutiny. Not to mention, that the North Carolina humidity and shared air conditioning didn't help with the comfort. So on those hot and muggy nights, if it was quiet, I would drive down to the training beach with nothing but a towel. I would walk over a half mile to the observation tower that use to be there. Once I was there, I knew that I was far enough away for no one to see me and had enough space to see if someone was coming. So I would lay out the towel, throw my clothes on top, and go skinny dipping in the Atlantic. After cooling off, I would go back to the towel and lay out under the stars and just let the warm Carolina night dry me off before heading back to the hell that was shared living quarters.

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