Nudist Who Like A Sensual Massage

This is a group for those nudists who like a nice sensual massage, both giving and recieving.

Platonic Massage Practice & Swap Group (Harlem/Morningside Heights)

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Small group of trained, skilled masseurs is looking for other men with intermediate to advanced massage training and skills to practice & trade massages a few times a month.
Please reply with your proximity/travel time to Morningside Heights (Central Park West), massage level (intermediate/advanced), and a general physical description.
The hosting apartment is located in Morningside Heights. We do not travel. Hosting only.
Professional massage table on-site. Participants are asked to bring their own unscented, non-greasy body/massage oil or cream.
Ideally on Sunday afternoon or early evening, however we sometimes have early afternoon availability during the week for one-on-one or 4-handed practice sessions.
Sexual orientation is unimportant. Platonic only. Your skills, passion, patience & availability are most important.

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