Pride Of Men's Armpit Hairs

It is kind of unique that we grow hairs in our armpits and they trap our body odour. So to be natural, why do people shave them? Anyone who is pride of their armpit hairs or men's armpit hairs, in general - doesn't have to be very hairy to be pride of them - or enjoy showing them during nudity. This group is for men only.

When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

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Mine started growing pretty late - in my 20s or 30s! :(

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RE: When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

I was 11Wish that mine grew this early in age!!!

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

At 14 but later for bodyhairs

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

About 11 when the pubic hair started!

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

My armpit hair started to grow about the same time as the pubic hair when I was 11, 12. Was fun to notice the develompent and to compare with friends and school mates.

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

I was early, about 10 as I recall. Everything started ballooning from there and was very embarrassing at the time in my age group in the kids changing rooms. Took me a long time to get more used to it and then I would get asked to show my hairs and junk off -.-

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

Ay 12. At the same time in my pubis

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

Ay 12. At the same time in my pubis

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

I was late when it came to pit hairs. I got mine when I was 16 but I got my pubes when I was 11.

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

I didnt get underarm hair until I was 14 or 15. Seems when I was younger most of my body hair was confined to my lower half: got pubes at 13, and had hairy legs and butt. Got underarm hair at 14-15, but did not get chest hair until my late 20s, and it didn't get thicker until mid-30s. Now getting back and shoulder hair in my 50s!

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RE:When did you start growing your armpit hairs?

I was 12 same with pubes. Loved it. An exciting time in puberty.

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